Genealogy Help for Germans from Russia
Our chapter has a Genealogist who is available to help you with your research. His specialty is the Volga villages, but has access to other resources and can help with general problems you may have.
He is also in charge of the AHSGR German Origins project and has found thousands of records indicating where many village settlers originated in Germany.
And of course, many of our members are well versed in research in other areas and some have even written books on there findings. Everyone is usually willing to help you if they can.
Send questions from our CONTACT PAGE.
Sometimes it is hard to find information about your GR ancestors. Here are links to other websites that may help you.
This page is a work in progress - let us know of any links you'd like to see here!
GRHS - www.grhs.org
AHSGR - www.ahsgr.org Check library frequently for new acquisitions
AHSGR - List of Village Coordinators
AHSGR - German Origins Project
The German Russian Village of Dobrinka, Russia https://www.dobrinka.org/index.html
The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763-1862, by Karl Stumpp - Stumpp Book
Ancestry.com - www.ancestry.com Trees and various databases
FamilySearch - www.familysearch.org Trees, wiki, and records
MyHeritage - www.myheritage.com Compilation of Published Sources, language search
HistoryLines - www.historylines.com Family time lines
HistoryPin - www.historypin.com Historical photos and map views
Photogrammar - www.photoframmar.yale.edu Searching for photos at the Library of Congress
StoryCorps - www.storycorps.org Stories and active options for individuals
FamilySearch U.S. Naturalization & Citizenship Wiki - Naturalization and citizenship records
Odessa - Odessa3.org A German-Russian genealogical library
Black Sea German Research - Blackseagr.org
The Germanic German Society - https://ggsmn.org/
Ellis Island Port of New York Immigration Records - https://www.libertyellisfoundation.org/
The USGenWeb Project is a group of volunteers working together to provide Web sites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. The Project is non commercial and fully committed to free access of genealogy information for everyone.